Thursday, June 14, 2007

Crap English, as spoken by native speakers of English

Another gem from a reader of the website... makes me giggle that she talks about parents needing to "educate there kids" and that people need to be "tought a lesson"! Some grammar corrections have been made, and are in red... actually, I got bored with correcting this one, so there are some errors not corrected!


"Unbelievable! Whay (sic) is this happening? Little girls wanting attention & not getting it. The people i feel sorry for (are) the falsely accused & the actual victims. What is happeing (sic) in the home for gilrs (sic) to do this (?). The parents need to step up & educate there (sic) kids i feel. Can you imagone (sic) what thd (sic) would do to an accused family & reputation!? it is wrong & sholud (be) delt (sic) with as a crime. One women has been let off for what she has done to a police officer, people need to be tought (sic) a lesson. I dont (sic) know bout everyone else but i (am) sick of my tax money going towards these sick cliam (sic)."